"But as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for you— see that you excel in this act of grace also."
- 2 Corinthians 8:7 (ESV)


Tithing—giving our first fruits for God’s work on earth—shows our faith in His providence. Giving online is a safe, convenient way to honor the Lord with our tithes and gifts. Through our regular contributions, we are faithful stewards of all He has provided. We have many members who enjoy the ease of online paying and giving in the privacy of their homes or offices. If you choose to GIVE ONLINE(one-time or recurring) you will be directed to a secure site where you may use your credit card, debit card, or ACH (Bank Transfer) to give to the general budget or make debt reduction offering. With our online system, you create a user profile for return visits and set up and personalize recurring contributions.

Through this Online Giving tool, you can manage your scheduled contributions or view your contribution history. All contributions to Temple Baptist Church are recorded in our system and you will receive a contribution statement for the year the following January. For more information, please contact our Finance Secretary, 318.255.3745


We offer the opportunity to donate by credit card as a convenience to those who manage their finances in a God-honoring way. While the Bible teaches sacrificial and systematic gifts, it also teaches about the dangers of indebtedness. Please make sure the convenience of giving to God via credit card aligns with Biblical teaching regarding debt.


Some have asked how much credit cards cost Temple. When you use a credit card, the cost to the church is 2.15% plus $0.30 per transaction in processor fees. If you are interested in reducing the cost to Temple, you may want to consider making your contribution using an ACH. ACH works much like a debit card, as the amount comes directly out of your bank account, but at a greatly reduced processing fee to $0.30 per transfer to the church.